
Undercover Policing Inquiry
The public inquiry into undercover policing, with special reference to those targeted for their political views and campaigning, headed by Lord Justice Pitchford

Police Spies Out of Lives
Support group for legal action by eight women deceived into long term intimate relationships with undercover police officers

Undercover Research Group
A one-stop resource on undercover policing and poltical surveillance, peerless profiling of the UK spycops

Sack Andy Coles

Campaign to get former Special Demonstration Squad officer Andy Coles removed from positions of public trust. He resigned as Cambridgeshire’s Deputy Police & Crime commissioner in May 2017 but retains posts a Peterborough city councillor and school governor

AR Spycatcher
Blog covering undercover police and informants in the animal rights movement

Undercover with Paul Lewis and Rob Evans
Blog of The Guardian’s journalists who do the bulk of mainstream media coverage of undercover police

Blacklist Support Group
Blog of the campaign for justice for people on the construction industry blacklist

The Network for Police Monitoring (Netpol)
Monitoring public order, protest and community policing that is excessive, discriminatory or threatens civil rights

Special Branch Files Project
Invaluable resource, archiving internal Special Branch files, showing their spying on political campaigns and the internal workings of the political police

The Monitoring Group
Promoting good race relations, challenging racism and actively supporting family justice campaigns

Bristle’s Blog from the BunKRS
Blog featuring some comprehensive research on undercover police

Undercover Info
Investigative research into spycops and spooks

Islington Against Police Spies
Campaign to get former Special Demonstration Squad boss Bob Lambert removed from his post as criminology lecturer at London Metropolitan University. Since its aim was achieved in 2015 it has occasionally posted notifications of spycops protests

Bristling Badger
Blog posts following, analysing and speculating on the undercover police scandal

Aftercare Fund
Fund set up and run by spied-on activists to help with the financial costs of those seriously affected

Open Democracy’s ‘Whose Police?’ section
Articles on the tension between service and control

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COPS Youtube channel

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