Jason Kirkpatrick
Date – 14 April 2018
Time – 14.00
Duration – 3 hours
Language – German
Venue – Salon, FMP1 am Franz-Mehring-Platz 1, 10243 Berlin, Germany
The Police Lie?! / Die Polizei lügt?!
Workshop on spycops and how activists can organise to overcome systematic police use of lying.
With presenters who have done media activism at recent G20 protests in Hamburg, and from Friedel 54 social centre, which was recently evicted and faced a campaign of police lying, including the widely reported false accusation that eviction defence campaigners had organised to injure police.
Jason Kirkpatrick, a “core participant” of the UK Undercover Policing Inquiry, will talk about successful strategies to overcome police efforts to lie and distort the truth to gain advantage over popular social movements.
In German language, at Left Media Academie / Linke Medienakademie e.V. (LiMA).
Day ticket price starts at 20 Euros, pre-booking encouraged but not necessary.
Conference info (in German only): linkemedienakademie.de/
Workshop info: pentabarf.linkemedienakademie.de/export/lima18/events/531.de.html